EVERYTHING from Renault
together again! September 17th & 18th 2022
It was 't 2 but
4 years that we had to wait for the 5th Renaultoloog Festival. In 2020
we planned the 5th anniversary edition but because of
Covid-19 it couldn't take place. Finally it was the best option
because of the Corona situation at that time. It was also planned to be the
first time on a new location in Evertsoord, there where we now have our
2-yearly road trip. We were very happy that we got the possibility to come
back to the good old location in Kronenberg. At last it would become one of
the toughest editions to organize.
It all started in February, the situation
about Corona was in control en the world situation stable. Until in March
the mess in Ukraine started with much uncertainty and inflation due to that.
Fuelprices went to record heights etc. If those were the reasons that the
number of subscriptions and overnight stay registrations stayed low could
be possible. The number of subscriptions always stayed about 50 vehicles
behind from 2018 at the same time and the number of overnight stay
registrations didn't get the amount we expected. In 2018 all 80 overnight
stay spots were sold out, so that is why we want to let it grow to 100 in
2022, but we didn't get any further than 60 booked places. On the other hand the number of
traders was higher than in 2018, all places were sold out one
month before the start of the festival. The road to
the festival was very uncertain, how do we manage to be able to pay al the (rised)
costs? One of the issues was reducing costs, no space for extras en make the
best deals with our providers. But when a week before the weather forecast
showed up and rain was expected for both days,it is began to look
like a very tough edition. The previous 4 festival had dry weather
conditions, even very sunny. |
So I decided to make a plan B, specially for
the traders that were planned outside. Most of them prefered to stay at the
building, resulting in as much as possible traders inside. This change of
plans costed much time and energy, and the festival hadn't even started yet.
What kept in my mind was questions like "how are the people gonna react to
these weather conditions?", "how is the terrain gonna cope to these
circumstances?" and "what is it gonna do to our revenue?" This
revenue is an
import income for us. All questions are answered now, the people react
positive, make the best of it, but there were more young than old Renaults.
The field is just awesome, the 20mm rain on Sunday disappeared easily in the
soil. Finally only one truck needed to be towed away from the grounds because
it was stuck, fortunately we had some big Renault tractors to pull it out
easy. The number of participants was lower than expected, but higher than we
hoped! The revenue was clearly to low, luckily we became help from some
initiatives so we could pay al the costs. For us reason to believe that the
festival is loved and must exist in future! The festival itselves went very
good, 411 participating vehichles (94 different types), the building had a good atmosphere, the terrain was quite full and people from over 10 countries were able to meet each other again after 4
years. Many nice pictures
were made, a selection is gathered in a nice album you can see below.
But the Renaultoloog
Festival could'nt exist without the help of our many volunteers! Many
thanks go out to all of them who helped us to make this festival a big
succes! I want to
thank also stichting Ruiterbelangen Sevenum, Renaultdealer Janssen-Kerres, Autobedrijf Strijbosch, Renault Nederland,
Nebim groep, Renault Trucks Nederland,
Club d'Anciennes des Pays Bas, Team Auto Obermann, Familie
Dijkstra, all traders, providers, all participants and everyone who made this 5th festival
to a succes! |

Renaultoloog Festival vehicle guestlist
participating vehicles (94 different types)
3 |
4CV |
1 |
Dauphine |
2 |
Alaskan |
1 |
50 |
18 |
R4 |
11 |
Espace |
Alouette |
55 |
6 |
R4 F4/F6 |
1 |
Express |
Avia |
1 |
56 |
24 |
R5 |
2 |
Fluence |
1 |
B70 |
1 |
(4)80 |
R6 |
7 |
Fuego |
Dodge |
1 |
89 |
R7 |
Juvaquatre |
11 |
Estafette |
1 |
301 |
2 |
R8 |
4 |
Kadjar |
1 |
Goelette |
304E |
2 |
R9 |
9 |
Kangoo |
Mascott |
1 |
361 |
R10 |
Koleos |
8 |
Master |
1 |
421m |
5 |
R11 |
13 |
Laguna |
7 |
Trafic |
2 |
461s |
4 |
R12 |
35 |
Mégane |
4 |
Saviem SG |
551s |
R14 |
1 |
Modus |
Winnebago |
651s |
2 |
R15 |
Monaquatre |
1 |
751s |
3 |
R16 |
Primaquatre |
4 |
AE |
1 |
1181-4 |
7 |
R17 |
2 |
Rodeo |
C-serie |
1451-4 |
2 |
R18 |
4 |
Safrane |
1 |
3042 |
4 |
R19 |
10 |
Scénic |
G-serie |
3046 |
2 |
R20 |
Sport Spider |
1 |
D Wide |
1 |
7022 |
6 |
R21 |
4 |
Talisman |
2 |
1 |
7 |
R25 |
1 |
Type NN |
2 |
Kerax |
1 |
Ares |
R30 |
27 |
Twingo |
K-serie |
1 |
Ceres |
Alpine A110 |
2 |
Twizy |
M-serie |
3 |
D16 |
5 |
Alpine A310 |
7 |
Vel Satis |
13 |
Magnum |
1 |
D22 |
1 |
Alpine A610 |
1 |
Vivasport |
2 |
(D) Midlum |
2 |
E30 |
2 |
Alpine GTA |
14 |
Wind |
1 |
Premium |
1 |
E72 |
5 |
A110 2017 |
1 |
Zoe |
2 |
R-serie |
1 |
Master |
Alliance |
S-serie |
2 |
Arkana |
4 |
T-low |
1 |
N72 |
3 |
Avantime |
5 |
Dacia |
T-high |
1 |
N73 |
8 |
Captur |
Berliet |
1 |
PE |
2 |
Caravelle |
4 |
Mack |
Standard 4 |
20 |
Clio |
1 |
Cycles |
1 |
Super |
Colorale |
1 |
(1) cylinder |
1 |
Illiade bus |
1 |
Snecma V12 |
2 |
TZ/TZ Nectra |
V71 |
1 |
V72 |
List of participating club members:
Renault Oldie Club Eifel, DE |
Renault 15/17 vriendenclub, NL |
Renault Oldtimer und Youngtimer Club IG Elbmarsch,DE |
Renault Club Düren e.V., DE |
Club d'Anciennes Renault, NL |
Renault Wind club, NL |
Renault Car Club Czech, CZ |
TwingoClubTour, NL |
Renault Club Nord Schwarzwald, DE |
Renault 4L Club België |
Magazine 64 |
©2004-2025 Renaultoloog
- Eddy Lenders